‘John Higgins, DIGITALEUROPE’s Director General, heads to Hannover Messe to join European Commissioners, US political leaders and industry chiefs from both sides of the Atlantic in the drive to accelerate the digitization of European Industry.
The United States is the invited guest for this year’s Hannover Messe on the theme of “Factory of the Future”. John has been invited by the European Commission to join their Conference Digitising European Industry on April 25 with EU Commissioners Gunther Oettinger, Elzbieta Bienkowska, Carlos Moedas and US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker. John will lead the panel discussions on transatlantic collaboration.
The next day John will join colleagues from ITI, DIGITALEUROPE’s US counterpart, and from the Faktory, the German hub for startups, as co-host of a high-level roundtable on advancing a transatlantic agenda for Internet of Things. The roundtable brings together Commissioner Oettinger, Commission officials and Members of the European Parliament with leaders of EU and US businesses.
As President of the European Commission’s Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship (SPF), John will also be promoting a new report from the SPF, Big data and B2B digital platforms: The next frontier for Europe’s industry and enterprises.